Call Clients is a powerful scented spiritual splash used to bring posterity to your business and to attract clients towards you.
Achieve the goals you set in business. The more and more successful you become the larger your income grows. Open yourself up to a steady growing client base.
Call Clients Prayer: “Oh Holy Spirit, let my business be of great service to others, flourishing through decency, honesty and respect for my colleagues and customers. Make me strong and courageous to make wise decisions that will build up my business to great levels of success. I ask for your guidance as I build and shape this business. Come reveal new openings and areas for expansion and development. May this business grow and flourish, creating great opportunities for all those involved. I trust in your wisdom as I seek to work hard to make this business secure and prosperous. Thank you for your guidance on this business venture. AMEN.”
Another one of my favorites because it just works so damn well. Add a couple of splashes to a gallon of hot water and wash the front door and steps to your home and business. bless!
This is a very hard Product to get as I have them imported from Colombia.
Burn yellow, orange, purple, and green candles while cleaning with it.
Thanks for looking <3
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