Black Copal Resin is often used to create a sacred space in your environment, clearing the stagnant energy in a room & creating a warm and loving space for creativity and abundance to flow. Although it vibrates at a higher level, White Copal can also offer grounding qualities, aiding in your stronger connection to the earth, emotional healing, and physical manifestations. The all-natural fragrance gives off a warm, earthy, citrus pine scent, to help ease your spiritual journey. It was frequently used by the Mayans & Aztecs during ceremonies dealing with purification. It is considered to be "young Amber," resin, as it holds many of the same properties of Amber, but forms in far less time. It inspires our own inner light & happiness to illuminate our aura.
Magickal Uses: Smudging, Raising Vibration, Happiness, Spiritual Growth, Healing, Grounding, Creativity, Blessings, Manifestations, Protection, Energy Clearing, Love, Consecration, Anointing Rituals, White Magic, Sabbat Offering for Litha.
Magickal Tip: Brighten the energy of a darkened home by burning White Copal at SUNrise on a SUNday.
You will receive a bag of raw coal 1oz
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