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Saint Joseph Home Selling Kit-  Sell a House FAST

Selling a House


One practice you might have heard of is petitioning Saint Joseph to sell a house quickly using (Saint Joseph Home Selling Kit), and from personal experience I must say that it works without fail if done properly. My family has used this tradition every single time my parents went to sell a house and each time it sold under a week. At times, it would sell within a day, which surprised even the agent!


There are many different ways to carry out this tradition. Some are more elaborate than others, but the core of what you’re supposed to do remains the same:


  • Make sure your house is saleable. This practice doesn’t work miracles, and if your house is far over the market price or is not in the best condition you are able to get it in, then you may need to work on that first. 
  • Purchase a small statue of Saint Joseph and bury it face-down on the property you are trying to sell. Make sure it is pointing to your home. Preferably it should be buried in the front yard, near the for sale sign or close to the road. Since you will be retrieving it once the house has sold, make sure to wrap it in a cloth or a bag before burying it. 


  • As you are burying the statue, pray earnestly to Saint Joseph asking that he aids you in selling your home. Continue to set aside time to pray every day until your house is sold. The important part is to have faith it will work and that he will aid you.
  • When the house is sold, retrieve the Saint Joseph statue and put it in a place of honor within your home. 


This comes from the practice of “punishing” a saint. When the feast day of Saint Joseph comes around on March 19th in homes that furnish an altar for him, the size of his altar will depend on how bountiful the family’s blessings were. If they had a successful year, Saint Joseph’s altar will be large and beautiful. If it was less successful or not a good year at all, his altar will be less impressive or won’t even be set up. Of course, this is mostly a tradition for a family whose patron saint is Saint Joseph.


When you put the statue face-down, you are “threatening” Saint Joseph to be in an uncomfortable position until he helps you with what you’re asking for. At times people will even scratch the eyes or deface statues and pictures of a saint if they don’t receive what they asked for, and once they do receive what they asked for they will honor that saint.


The Saint Joseph Home Selling Kit is a beautiful kit that makes a perfect gift to a friend who need help selling their Home.- 


It is our most sold Home Sales Kit of St Joseph statues.  It is also the most common kit that Real Estate Agents are using to help their customers to make a fast and good deal for their property.  


Saint Joseph Home Sellers Kit includes:

  • One 4″ St. Joseph statue
  • Color Prayer Card
  • Prayer and Burial Instructions


St Joseph statue – Burial instructions


• Bury the statue in the yard in the front of the house. Favorable spots are either close to the “For Sale”          sign or close to the road.

• Bury the statue upsidedown, facing the house.

• Pray to Saint Joseph when you are burying him and keep praying until the house is sold.

• But the most important part is to have faith all the time, in yourself, in your Sale and in Saint Joseph.

• After your house is sold take him with you to your new home and put him in a place of honor.

• If you live in a condo, bury the statue of St Joseph in a pot.

Saint Joseph Home Selling Kit- Sell a House FAST
