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The Black Pullet Harvest Moon Ritual Prosperity Service - OCT 1st -



The Black Pullet (La Poule Noire) is a grimoire that teaches the "science of magical talismans and rings," including the art of necromancy and Kabbalah. It is believed to have been written in the 18th century by an anonymous French officer who served in Napoleon's army. 


The text takes the form of a narrative centering on the French officer during the Egyptian expedition. The officer’s unit is attacked by Arab soldiers, but he manages to escape as the sole survivor. An old Turkish man appears suddenly out of the pyramids and takes the soldier back in with him, into a secret apartment. He nurses him back to health, whilst sharing with him the magical teachings from ancient manuscripts that escaped the "burning of Ptolemy's library." The soldier writes the teachings down, into what we now know as The Black Pullet.


The book itself contains information regarding the creation of certain magical properties, such as talismanic rings, amulets, and the Black Pullet itself. It also teaches the reader how to master the extraordinary powers from these magical properties. Perhaps the most interesting magical property claimed in the book is the power to produce the Black Pullet, otherwise known as the Hen that lays Golden Eggs. The grimoire claims that the person who understands and attains the power to instruct the Black Pullet will gain unlimited wealth. The notion of such a lucrative possession has been reflected throughout history in fables, fairy tales, and folklore.


The Conjured Saint is hosting a Black Pullet Candle Service for the upcoming October Full Moon, where by a 7-Day Black Pullet Prosperity Candle will be lit on the eve on the full moon and burned continuously until the wick runs out at the end of its 7-day cycle. The service will be intimate—limited to just twenty people—to enhance its potency and keep it personalized. 


During the service, I will wear a ritual ring casted in bronzed steel, as per the instructions in the grimoire.  A magical talisman embroidered in the correct colors upon satin will be placed under the candle, to invoke the power of The Black Pullet. Both the ring and talisman have been carefully created specifically for this ritual.


I will burn a Black Pullet Candle inscribed with magical symbols meant to enable discovery and possession of treasures. Combined with the abundant energy of the Full Moon, the Black Pullet Candle Ritual stands to be a powerful prosperity spell rooted in ancient magick and designed with esoteric laws of attraction.


Harvest Moon Rituals are a time to fully bask in deserving success, reward and abundance for all your hard work this year! Let this service illuminate the prosperous paths ahead for you and bless the final turn of the wheel for your year.


Because space is limited, The Conjured Saint recommends reserving your space in this ritual as soon as possible. A detailed report with an accompanying picture will be sent at the completion of the service.

The Black Pullet Harvest Moon Ritual Prosperity Service - OCT 1st -

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    "Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow...." 


    Since your spiritual vibration led you to our Shop, you may already intuitively know that magick is never a quick or one-time fix. It depends wholly on your openness to it and the effort you make. Just like a doctor cannot give you a "magic" pill to fix all of your problems, Hoodoo and Rootwork (and other spiritual ways of life) are based on a lifestyle of maintenance.  I cannot guarantee, or even presume, that your participation in one ritual service will bring about the results that you desire. In fact, I recommend on-going prayers, offerings, and traditional methods of recognizing higher energy (Spirits, deities, ancestors, prophets, angels, etc.) to petition them for what you need, gain their favor, and show honor and respect, to maximize manifestation. You attract what you put out, so taking care of yourself spiritually and physically, and being open to positive vibrations, is also imperative to channeling the energy flow needed to achieve your goals. As a spiritual practitioner, I value helping you improve your life and open your heart and soul to blessings. I am honored to work with you and provide guidance and clarity on your journey.


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