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Bismuth Crystal - Stimulates Energy, Vitality and Can Help you Achieve your Goal

Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Number: 2


Bismuth Crystal Healing Properties

Bismuth is believed to be an element that stimulates energy and vitality and can help you achieve your goals, especially when working as part of a team. It may be used to support transformation by aiding travel between the physical plane and realms of astral and spirit. It is also thought to help with visualization during shamanic journeying. Lastly, it is believed to aid in relieving feelings of overwhelm, isolated, and loneliness.


History and Uses

Bismuth has been known since ancient times. It was often confused with tin and lead. However, it is an element in its own right, number 83 on the periodic table. Its naturally occurring form is an iridescent silvery white crystalline, brittle metal and is very rare. It is more usually a rainbow-coloured crystal obtained as a by-product of mining and refining lead, copper, tin, silver, and gold. Traditionally, Rainbow Bismuth is believed to have been used to help ease through transitions, encouraging a calm acceptance of change and increasing our energy levels to be able to adapt and transform. Similarly, Moldavite is another stone (technically a tektite) believed to help us through transitions, especially through spiritual transformation. Learn more about Moldavite here.


Geological Description

The largest deposits of naturally occurring Bismuth are found in Bolivia. It is a crystalline, brittle metal that resists being magnetized and is repelled by a magnetic field. It also has an unusually high electrical resistance for a metal. Its thermal conductivity is lower than any metal except mercury. It has the unusual property that, like water, it expands as it freezes. Thankfully, it is considered to be a stable element. Although, it is actually radioactive with an extremely low rate of decay with a half-life more than a billion times the estimated age of the universe. Pure Bismuth is a white metal with a slight pink color. The colors displayed come from light interference in a thin oxide layer on the surface of the crystal.


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Bismuth Crystal - Stimulates Energy, Vitality and Can Help you Achieve your Goal


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