Dandelion Root is a common weed in the Composite family that is said to aid the development and promoting of psychic gifts for promoting psychic powers and to send messages to loved ones telepathically and to grant wishes.
Used in dream pillows for psychic dreaming and sleep protection. Place a pinch of Dandelion Root in the northwest part of your home to bring better luck to your environment. You also can pierce pieces of dandelion root with a needle and thread them to create a necklace for invoking Hecate and wear it to contact the spirit world. I Personality sprinkle it around candles representing your fondest wish to give it extra power.
Some ideas for magical uses:
Make a hot tea of Dandelion Root and place the cup next to your bed before sleeping; the scent of the infusion is believed to open up powerfully insightful dreaming.
Drink Dandelion Root tea before doing divination or whenever you want to open up psychic abilities.
Place a pinch of Dandelion Root in the northwest part of your home to bring better luck to your environment.
Burn Dandelion Root on a charcoal along with ground Anise, Bay Leaf and Frankincense to create incense to open intuition.
Pierce pieces of Dandelion Root with a needle and thread them to create a necklace for invoking Hecate and wear it to contact the spirit world.
Sprinkle a circle of Dandelion Root around a candle representing your fondest wish to give it extra power.
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