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Gratitude GROUP Candle Service Thanks & Offering to Spirits for their Guidance


Another powerful manifesting day !!!


TRIPLE MASTER NUMBER DAY in Numerology is very powerful on the 22nd. All three Master Numbers are manifesting, 11,22 + 33. Greater blessings are on the way on this amazing Master Builder 22nd day combined with the influence of 11 in November — the 11th month.


Gratitude raises your frequency and puts you in the receiving process.


Too often, we pray to ask for something we want but forget to give gratitude for our blessings. On November 22nd, The Conjured Saint is offering gratitude and spiritual maintenance candle service to thank our spirits, guides, and ancestors for their guidance and blessings.


Each participant in this group service will receive one candle, dressed and blessed in your name, to honor your ancestors, spirits, and guides. We all like to be appreciated, and this small act from you will ensure you continue to incur their goodwill. Gratitude is our way of opening to more blessings when we can be humble and acknowledge those that have already been granted. This helps to keep your mind in the manner of gratitude and offers our spirit guides and angels thanks for all they do. Crystals, sacred objects, and spiritual offerings will be left to amplify the intentions of your connection.


Please leave your intention or goal in the Notes section upon checkout to participate. Pictures and a report from the service will be e-mailed to you. Service reports can take about a week or more extended after the service to be sent.


Please disregard the digital download.

To take part in this ritual service, I will need the following placed in the message area of your order:


1. Full name (first, middle and last - include maiden name if married)

2. Date of Birth



Gratitude GROUP Candle Service Thanks & Offering to Spirits for their Guidance

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