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House Juju Cleansing and Blessings Candle

House Juju cleansing and blessings candle


Bring balance and harmony into your home-- the sacred space most connected to your energy-- with our House Juju Cleansing and Blessing Candle. Made with fragrant notes of fresh lemon, this candle is perfect for casting out and repelling negative energy, the evil eye, stagnant mindsets, and spiritual blockages. A touch of sugary buttercream vanilla delights the senses, working to balance out the fruity lemon fragrance and attract sweet blessings.


Tart, yet sweet, lemon is known to spiritually cleanse spaces, houses, rooms, or environments of subtle, old energies and prepare the space with fresh intent. Made with fresh lemon, our House Juju Cleansing, and Blessing Candle is a powerful blend for energy cleansing, cut and clearing rituals, and full moon work. The addition of vanilla creates the energy of knowing one is safe in their own space. It is sweet, comfortable, sensual, and relaxing. Vanilla was once considered a luxury, bringing about the energy of richness with it. It is said to bring wealth and luck, making it the ideal indulgent ingredient for a home blessing blend!


Light this candle during a ritual bath, during or after cleaning the home, or before/after company calls to restore balance and set the tone for peace. Breathe deep and you may pick up on a hint of clove, added for powerful and dramatic protective energy.  Clove derives its name from the French word for “nail,” as cloves resemble tiny spikes. As such, cloves aid in protection and power. They are a popular ingredient in ritual work aimed at stopping gossip, raising vibrations, aura cleansing, and blocking low vibrations.  Clove can banish things that mean you harm and intensify your psychic abilities, as it brings clarity to your clairvoyant practices. In this way, clove welcomes in prosperity and good juju, as it continually blocks out negativity. 


House Juju Cleansing and Blessing are finished with White Copal Resin to bring sanctity to your space. White Copal Resin clears the stagnant energy in a room and creates a warm and loving space for creativity and abundance to flow. Although it vibrates at a higher level, White Copal can also offer grounding qualities, aiding in emotional healing. 


For a quick and easy ritual to bring sweetness and protection to your home, burn this candle on the first of every month. This helps ensure a month that is blessed with good fortune, while creating a peaceful, attractive environment, and bringing in energy needed to help you manifest your dreams or banish negativity. While the candle is burning, you may choose to recite the following Cleansing Prayer: 


I cleanse myself of all 

selfishness, resentment, critical feelings for my fellow beings, 

self-condemnation, and 

misinterpretation of my life experiences 

I bathe myself in 

generosity, appreciation, praise, and gratitude for my fellow beings, 

self-acceptance, and 

enlightened understanding of my life experiences.


Magickal Uses for this candle: Ward Off Evil, Repel Enemies & Negative Energy or Spirits, Spiritual Aura Healing, Physical Healing, Purification, Protection, Cleansing, Removes Negative Psychic Energy, Consecration, Longevity, Emotional Chakra Balance & Centering, Concentration, Clearing Spirits, Creating Sacred Space, Circle Casting, Money, Prosperity, Immortality, Wishes, Manifestation, General Healing & Wisdom.

House Juju Cleansing and Blessings Candle

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