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JOBS TEARS AMULET-  Known For Their powerful Assistance in Wish Magic

Job's Tears have been known for their powerful assistance in Wish magic, particularly within the hoodoo spiritual tradition.


This high protein grain has been cultivated since ancient times for food, medicine, and decoration, e.g. necklaces and rosaries.


In Coventry & Hedge Magick it is used in charms to grant luck and wishes, but most importantly strung on red silk and worn it is used for relieving sorrow, physical, emotional and spiritual pain and manifesting dreams.


(It’s a common teething charm hung on cribs.)


After 7 days, bury in a sacred place, or cast into water.


Carry 7 Job’s Tears in a green cloth bag. Anoint Cross with 'High John the Conqueror Oil', for good luck, when playing the lotto, and all other games of chance. Use with a green 7 knob candle, write your seven desires on a separate strip of the candle. As each knob melts, the wish is assimilated into the candles energies. Anoint candle with High John the Conqueror Oil. Burn Money Drawing Incense at the same time you light the candle.


you will receive one green bag, & 7 job tears.


JOBS TEARS AMULET- Known For Their powerful Assistance in Wish Magic


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