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Malachite Tumbled Gem Stone- Clears Stagnant Energy, Removes Blockages, Money



You will get one Big Malachite Tumbled Stone!


If kept with money, malachite was believed to increase wealth. Traders also wore the stone during business transactions to attract profitable deals. (Of course, in modern America, green is the color of money, symbolically and literally).


This beautiful stone with varied shades of green striations can help you in business. Take it with you when interviewing for a job or trying to make a financial deal. It can also help you attract the right people to help you achieve prosperity while protecting you from unscrupulous characters out to take your money.


The use and healing properties of malachite

  • Malachite can be used to identify the step-by-step way to get to a goal. It also helps one to accept responsibility for one’s actions and situation, helping the wearer to be more pro-active.
  • Malachite has been used to aid success in business and protect against undesirable business associations. It is a stone of balance in relationships.
  •  Meditate with malachite and allow it to show you where dis-harmonies are within your mind, body, and soul and allow it to show you how to improve them. Our bodies can tell us what we need, what we are missing and what we need to do to correct the problem, but often it is hard to be able to listen to what our bodies are saying.
  • As a healing gemstone, use a malachite stone to cleanse and balance the energies of the heart, lungs and other organs. This can be accomplished by wearing a stone on a chain so it hangs near the heart and between the lungs or take a few moments to lay down, placing the gemstones over the heart area then relaxing while it does it work.
  • If you normally wake each morning with stiff and sore muscles and joints? Sleep with malachite to ease the morning stiffness.
  • Used since ancient times to attract money. Makes a great amulet to obtain the wealth you need and makes the perfect stone to put into Mojo bags for this very purpose.
  • It can be used to clear and activate all the chakras and is the perfect stone for the heart chakras when working with color chakra therapy.
  • Having cramps? Use a small bandage to tape a malachite stone to your belly, just below the navel to help relieve these symptoms.
  • Soak one or more malachite stones in a quart of pure water for at least 24 hours, then pour the water into a tub full of nice hot water. Step in, sit down and relax and allow the gemstone elixir to detoxify and purify all your organs and body.
  • Wear a string of malachite beads around your neck. As your blood flows through the ring of stones, it clears impurities from the blood keeping the arteries and veins clear.
  • Everyone knows the formula for losing weight is nothing more than eating fewer calories than you burn, but that does not make it easy to make the right choices when we are constantly bombarded with food in television, magazines and even at the office party. A malachite stone makes a great gift for anyone trying to lose weight because malachite helps you make good food choices to increase weight loss.
  • Whether you are the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation or the sole proprietor of home business you can benefit from the power of this money colored stone. Place a gem in your cash register or display a specimen in a place of honor near your desk to bring success to businesses.
  • Malachite was considered to be a talisman for children. If a piece of the stone were attached to an infant’s cradle, all evil spirits were held aloof and the child slept soundly and peacefully. In some parts of Germany, Malachite shared with Turquoise the repute of protecting the wearer from danger in falling, and also gave warning of approaching disaster by breaking into pieces

Malachite Tumbled Gem Stone- Clears Stagnant Energy, Removes Blockages, Money


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