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100% Pure Mayan/Aztek XXL Copal Cone- Protection. Cleansing. Rituals Incense

☀🌟☀Copal and its divine magic…☀🌟☀


🌟These cones are awesome and jumbo size!🌟 Burns for 2 hours!🌟

Mediator between heaven and earth, spirit and matter, the living and nonliving, link of union between mankind and our mother father creator, the element that transports our prayers to the divine dimensions, that is the purpose of copal, through its human instrument, the sahumador (smudger)….

The aroma of burnt copal is said to not only fortify and invigorate the body, but also soothe the mind and relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, and even depression. Copal is also used to do energetic cleansings on people or places to get rid of all the stagnant energy and lower vibrational energy we pick up from our surroundings or people. It protects, cleanse your aura, and balances your electromagnetic field. It gets rid of all the so-called "bad vibes" and entities that lurk on latch onto people who are victims of psychic attacks or just mal intentional energy from others, aka black magic. Copal is a very powerful tool and it is a must-have in any home to cleanse, purify and protect! I use copal every day and it's part of my cleansing ritual.


🌟🌟It also kills bacteria in our atmosphere, it is antiseptic, analgesic, and antispasmodic, meaning it helps with body aches or cramps.🌟🌟


It is even used in teas and is great for people with asthma. The aroma of copal is itself a presence of divine magic. Copal is a name given to tree sap or “blood” of certain trees from the Torchwood family, Protium copal (Burseraceae), that hardens when in contact with the air. Copal is sacred to the indigenous cultures of the Central and South Americas. Copal derives from, copalli, a Náhuatl term from which the Spanish call copal. 

Copal is also very important within the cosmovision of the Mexican people because it is the form in which "Quetzalcoatl" manifests into his vegetable form. The white smoke of copal represents a god protector, who has an infinity of magical resources, and this white smoke we call, "Iztacteteo", the white god/s. And when the smoke is spread throughout your home, business, or sacred ceremony, you're calling upon these gods to make themselves present in our environment. Copal forms a big part in the prehispanic cosmovision, and it is endemic to Mexico meaning it only grows there. Copal is considered to be very sacred and it was highly valued in prehispanic times by the Mayans and Aztek people who would utilize it in their offering rituals, healings, Danza ceremonies, and to protect and purify the home and atmosphere.


🌟The Mayans consider copal to be highly important because it is one of the three mains offerings to the spiritual world: copal, tobacco, and cacao. The mystic side of copal is very important and indissolubly linked to our Mexican/prehispanic traditions which are still flourishing and growing in Mexico. You can see this when you see the Aztek dancers in ritual motion as they offer their dances as prayers to our creator. In our prehispanic traditions we believe that dancing is our prayer, we dance as we burn copal and offer our prayers to the Great Mystery we call prime creator. 

🌟Also, copal was highly valued and was used in different rituals, celebrations, and offerings throughout the year. Copal was essential given the belief that it enabled communication with deities and several natural forces. Copal’s importance was such that it not only survived the arrival of the Spaniards but was adopted by them, becoming a common element in Church services. Copal produces a white smoke that Native Mesoamericans associate with Iztacteteo or “White Gods.” These gods, in turn, are believed to aid in the communication between humans and the Great Mystery. The column of white smoke created by copal burning represents the cosmic axis out of which the universe and all its creatures emerged and acts as the connecting thread between the worlds, between heaven and earth. The burning of copal calls upon the wisdom of the heart of all things and symbolizes the Mysterious center ever pulsating toward greater consciousness and connection.

🌟Copal was also associated with the god Tlaloc (“He who Makes Things Grow”) and the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue (“She of the Jade Skirt”) both rulers of water and associated with fertility and creation. Copal as an offering is related to the activation of the waters of life and the processes of creation that allow us to further explore the Great Mystery of existence. The primordial waters within us are acknowledged and honored by copal burning.


🌟Copal’s resin was well known for its therapeutic and medicinal uses and reports suggest that it was also used as glue. Copal oil is used in aromatherapy to treat a number of diseases. In some cases, the resin is used in tea to treat bronchitis and applied locally for coughs and rheumatism. With many contemporary uses, copal is a true ally for body and mind.

How to Use:

To burn a copal stick or cone-just light the tip, let it burn for few seconds, and blow it out. Place the stick or cone upright or on an incense holder.

To use the copal resin incense, ignite a charcoal tablet, and place the tablet in a fire-safe burning bowl. You may either set a piece of the resin incense directly on top of the hot charcoal table or grind the piece to a fine powder and sprinkle on the glowing tablet. Happy smudging!


Magickal Uses: Smudging, Raising Vibration, Happiness, Spiritual Growth, Healing, Grounding, Creativity, Blessings, Manifestations, Protection, Energy Clearing, Love, Consecration, Anointing Rituals, White Magic, Sabbat Offering for Litha.Magickal Tip: Brighten the energy of a darkened home by burning White Copal at SUNrise on a SUNday.Chakras: Crown (7th) Holistic Uses: Revitalize one's energy system & brighten emotional thoughts through means of creating a White Copal Tincture.

This listing is for 3 XXL CONES !!!!


Each burns for 2 hours.


Thanks For Looking <3

100% Pure Mayan/Aztek XXL Copal Cones- Protection. Cleansing. Rituals Incense

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