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Black & Green Double Action -MALE -Candle- Resolve Money or Job Problems

Used to resolve money or job problems and send the negativity back to its source.


They are also used for Debt, Bill, Creditor Banishing.


Double action candles, candles that are half black and half another color, are used for spells to reverse negativity that has been sent to you from another person.


A double-action candle is essentially two spell candles in one - a black candle to reverse and remove negativity and a colored part to bring what you desire: green is used for issues regarding money, business, gambling luck, or career.


To work with a double action candle, you will need to "butt" the candle to prepare it so that you can burn the black part first and the green part second. Butting the candle means cutting off the green top to make it the new bottom of the candle and carving the black part to reveal the wick and make it the new top. By doing this you are essentially "turning the tables" on the people working against you.


Next, inscribe the black half of the candle with your enemies' names in reverse writing and dress it in a downward motion in Reversing oil. Inscribe with your own name on the green half and dress in an upward motion appropriate oil, such as Pay Me, Money Drawing, Money Stay With Me, Steady Work, Prosperity, Lucky Lady, Lucky Buddha, or Wealthy Way.


You may dress the candle with additional herbs and affix to a mirror before lighting it. As with all candle spells, you will want to burn it when you are nearby and awake. When you leave your home or go to sleep, snuff the candle (don't blow it out) and relight when you return.


Some ideas for magical uses:

For reversing crossing related to money, business, and career, use a green/black candle and apply Reversing oil and sprinkle with Agrimony on the black half and Money Drawing oil and Alfalfa on the white half. Sprinkle a circle of Calendula flowers around the base of the candle


( Candle color may change )


The Conjured Saint candles are the perfect way to attract what you seek. Available in a variety of intentions and themes, our candles are gently prepared, blessed, and dressed according to the appropriate magickal practices. When you burn them, they become a channel for your desires into the outer world. This makes them the ideal companion for all of your ritual work. If you want to change the energy in your sacred space, light a candle.


Candle magick is an age-old, powerful form of spellwork, because it harnesses the intense energy of fire. Of all the elements, fire burns the brightest and demands the most immediate attention. As it licks at the air, it consumes the existing energy and expels its own creation in the form of smoke.


The Conjured Saint candles are each delicately prepared to contain specific magick according to their themes. Draw love, good fortune, and success into your life as the energy burns and fills your space with powerful vibrations. Different color candles will draw different energies. White candles are always good to have on hand, because they draw light energy and protection. Quickly cleanse a space of negative energy, by burning a white candle. Pink candles work to bring love and affection to you. Green candles will draw money and success, and so on.

Black & Green Double Action -MALE -Candle- Resolve Money or Job Problems


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