Cord Cutting Ritual Set will include a male and female candle with an attached cord a mini scissor and cord-cutting oil.
To Start off, What is a Cord Cutting Ritual? ✂️
I recommend using these candles after the end of a relationship. This isn’t exclusive to romantic relationships! You can perform this ritual to rid yourself of any energy that you feel could be coming from your partner/spouse’s cord ties. also from toxic family members or friends. If you recently distanced yourself from a strained family or relationship, perform this ritual.
Inscribe your name and DOB onto the image candle of your gender and Inscribed the name of the other person onto the other gender and DOB if you have it.
Archangel Michael is the Archangel of Protection. Known for being the protector of Soldiers, Police, and Firemen.
He works with a Sword of Light. This clearing prayer prevents outside energy from affecting you and removes any energy or entities that may have attached to your aura.
If you find yourself inexplicably cranky, angry, annoyed, sad, depressed, overwhelmed with debt, anxiety, feeling as if a black cloud is constantly over you, then it is likely you have picked up negative energy.
All who carry a lot of Light and have raised their body’s vibration level find that negative energy may try to attach to them. This is why protection is so vital the further into the Light you go. This can assist everyone, especially healers and readers in keeping personal boundaries strong and cutting any negative cords to clients. Anyone can say this to help clear themselves from negative cord attachment.
Saying this prayer at night clears the residue of the day and then protects you while you are off astral traveling in your sleep. One can say this prayer every morning and night. Say it aloud.
I ________, call in Archangel Michael sent to me by God. I ask that you place your white light of protection over me in this lifetime, in all lifetimes, and in all space and time by the force and grace of God.
I ask you Archangel Michael to use your Sword of Light to completely clear me of all attached negative energies. I ask that you transmute these negative energies up through your protective light so they can be transformed into their highest form of Light. Should I have any attached energies that do not wish to go to the Light, I ask that you sever those negative cords and negative thought forms to leave me now and go somewhere safe within the universe without harming anyone.
I ask that you sever cords to childhood trauma, negative relationships, or any emotional issues that I have. Sever cords attached to financial debt. Sever cords of depression and anxiety. Sever cords of negative energy, negative thought forms, and curses put on me from this lifetime and all my previous lives.
Please close up my aura to the influences of all beings except for my Higher Self, God, my Guides, and Guardians.
Gently clear me of all that no longer serves me, so that I vibrate at the highest frequency of abundance, love, positive energy, and my true Spiritual power. Open my heart to the vibration of God and all my Angels.
I ask that you infuse me with unconditional love and Light.
I ask this through Jesus name,
So be it, may it be so.
This Archangel Michael prayer will allow you to move in the world, be sensitive, and yet also be protected. You can say the prayer for yourself as well as for anyone you are the guardian of – children, elderly parents etc. Their Higher Self can allow them to receive it if it is in their Highest Good. Begin by using your name to call in, then just insert their name wherever there is a “me” or “my”.
Blessings to all of you.
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