Luck Back Cat Gris- Gris Bag- With Luck Black Cat Talisman Charm for protection and luck!
What is Gris-gris (also know as a mojo bag or trick bag) are like talismans that are kept for, but are not limited to, love, luck, warding off evil, etc. They are usually cloth bags that contain herbs, oils, stones (especially lodestones) amulet's, coins, you name it. Once you have everything in it, it is known that you “wake it up” so to speak. I’ve seen lots of practitioners say they give it the breath of life. You pray on it, continue to feed it by get it rum, cigar smoke, or incense, or oils, and keep it on you at all times. When you wake it up, that gris-gris is now a spirit. And a spirit can not run on nothing. Also, a gris-gris is also always supposed to be hidden, and not touched by anyone else but the person it is made for.
*The ingredients will suit the purpose you specify. It will packed full, charged, and ready to work! I do not recommend you open my gris gris.
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