The pig is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and good luck. Swine farmers were known to always have food. Keeping pigs was a sure way of ensuring your family’s well-being.
As the old Irish saying goes, “The pig is the gentleman who pays the rent”.
In Germany, they say “Glücksschwein,” which translates to the lucky pig.
Pig decorations and illustrations on good luck and best wishes cards are typical in Germany. This is especially true around New Year.
Crystals in the shape of pigs symbolize wishes of prosperity and luck. Candy marzipan pigs are sold in the thousands every December in Northern Europe.
In Norwegian, the term “heldiggris” is very common. It literally translates to “lucky pig”.
The term is purely positive manner meaning “Wow, you are lucky”. In Swedish it is “tur gris” and in Danish it is “heldig gris”. In Iceland, they say “heppinn svín”.
Pigs have a history of ensuring a family’s finances. Pig charms remain popular to this day.
The piggybank is a worldwide symbol of money. Feeding our piggy bank with coins is an undisputable sign that we are caring for our financial future.
Piggybanks are thought to protect and attract money.
You will receive one pig shown.
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