The Conjured Saint's Two-toned Gold and Green colored Money Drawing ritual candles our perfect to attract prosperity, abundance, and wealth. Green colored candles bring growth, healing, money, and abundance, whereas Gold colored candles attract great wealth and fortune. Gold is an earth metal and is very powerful in grounding money to stay with you. Since ancient times, gold has been a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and power; witches have forever used gold coins and candles in money magic spells and rituals. Gold also houses the energy of the sun, which also aids in attracting money.
Burn this candle on a Thursday for attraction, money drawing, to release financial worries & enjoy the sweetness of life. These candles have been designed to be worked with when you are looking for some extra cash. Dusted in gold fillings and dressed in my money oils to help bring in a little additional cash flow or play money!
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The Conjured Saint's Rituals candles come fully blessed, dressed, and adorned with all the magic you need for your ritual working, just petition and light!
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