Jasmine is considered one of the most powerful flowers used in spell work and magic. The word Jasmine comes from the Persian word ‘yasmin’, meaning gift from God. The national flower of Pakistan, this fragrant blossom is known for its bright white petals. The sensuous scent of the Jasmine flower is highly recognizable and very popular among perfumers. There are many ways to incorporate Jasmine into your rituals and spells.
Write the name of your intended partner on a piece of paper. Place the paper under the candle. Focus your intentions on the one you long for and light the candle and incense. Repeat the following phrase:
(Person’s Name) come to me
Seek me out in voice or flesh.
Hear this call in heart and mind, oh lover of mine.
Let the forces that be go forth and make it so.
By heaven and earth, by fire and stone
Bring unto me my heart’s desire.
As your candle burns, breathe out deeply, removing any negative thoughts from your mind. Breathe in and imagine positive energy flowing throughout your body.
The pungent smell of the Jasmine flower is a perfect tool to use in rituals involving prophecy and predictions. Spiritual workers and root doctors rely on the scent to enhance their relaxation and improve the clarity of their visions. Jasmine incense/ Candles can often be smelled during a tarot card reading or dream interpretation ceremony.
Use this candle to attract love, money, and prophetic dreams. This scented candle is dressed with my jasmine oil to give you psychic protection and bring good health to your aura. burn in your bedroom to induce sleep this secret is known to witches and herbalists as " jessmin" and moonlight on the grove.
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