You will receive one candle anointed and dressed.
Saint Martin is the Patron Saint of those who hope strangers will aid them. In Mexico, San Martin Caballero is especially popular among shop-keepers, who rely on the kindness of passing strangers to patron their shops. Saint Martin is associated with the lucky horseshoe and he is also a popular saint for gamblers to call upon. He bring you good luck, help, business, and prosperity.
Saint Martin of Cabellero is one of my favorite saints to work with as he has always provided for my family and me with steady work and clients. His story- One day, while riding his horse, he chanced upon a near-naked beggar and cut his cloak in half to give the poor man a covering. That night he had a dream in which the beggar appeared to him as Jesus, so he quit the army and became a monk in Italy. He was later promoted to the rank of Bishop of Tours (in France) but always lived a simple life and gave a great deal to charity.
San Martin Caballero was born in Hungary when the Roman Empire was at the helm of power. He was later forced to serve in the Roman army where he served as a centurion. However, San Martin Caballero would later resign from his position in the army after he had a life to change the experience. During one of his horse rides, San Martin Caballero came across a beggar who was almost naked. Saint Martin of tours did the noble thing by cutting his cloak in half in order to give the beggar cover. Later that night, San Martin Caballero had a dream where the beggar appeared to him as Jesus and this is when he quit the army.
After leaving the army, San Martin Caballero traveled to Italy where he became a monk and after some time, he was promoted to become the bishop of Tours in France. Even after the promotion, San Martin Caballerocontinued to lead a simple life while devoting himself to charity. Courtesy of his charitable deeds, San Martin Caballero is regarded as the Patron Saint of people who believe that strangers will come to their aid.
In Mexico, San Martin Caballero is most popular among shopkeepers. These shopkeepers depend on the kindness of strangers to make ends meet. In addition, the shopkeepers also rely on truck drivers who relate Caballero’s horsemanship to their way of making a living. On the other hand, Caballero is also popular among gamblers. This is because they believe that the horse he rode is related to the lucky horseshoe.
San Martin Caballero is certainly the epitome of luck among the Latin community. Saint Martin Caballero is also the figure that is normally found on lucky charms and amulets. More to that, his deeds are a source of hope for those who believe that they can benefit from strangers or even luck. San Martin Caballero’s popularity was derived from his human acts and the life-changing experience he had undergone. Being the oldest Saint Martin in the history of the Catholic Church, it is evident that he made a significant contribution to the church and had a huge impact on the lives of the needy.
Prayer to Saint Martin: "You are the patron Saint of good luck, work, and money. Bring good luck to my home, may I never be in need of a job. Please bless me, O' Lord. Bring luck to my business, may I always have a steady flow of customers. I ask this in your name, O' Lord. Bring money to my pockets, bring good luck to my purse, bring success to my wallet, bring riches to my home. Hear my prayers. Protect me from those who would see me fail. We ask this is in the name of the Lord thy God, Amen"
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